Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ford Taurus

Hello again.

Here is an interesting tidbit: according to our friends at Wikipeida "only the F-150, Escort, Model T,[6] and Mustang have sold more units [than the Taurus]."

That's some pretty lofty company, eh?

Although, I take issue with the Escort. I don't know how that made the list. The Escort seems to "escort" the ladies away from you due to its lame-ness.

But enough about that. This Taurus has no such lame-ness. It's $100 above the retail book value and has a clean record. So if you are anywhere near Florida, you best go kick some tires.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Super-fun, weekend machine in "Soccer Mom's" clothing.

You're kidding, right? A mini-van? I'm a 22-year-old college kid, and you are recommending that I buy a mini-van?


Remeber what we are all about here: looks aside.

And relax. This vehicle is intended to get you through college and maybe a few years of graduate school. You (hopefully) won't be driving this for the rest of your life.

Just think of all the possibilities. You can take the seats out and load it with camping stuff or bikes on the weekends. It would also be great for moving from apartment to apartment. Shoot, you could even crash in the van for a few days if you are between leases.

Honestly, with a really clean report and $280 over the retail book value, I think you could easily brush off the "soccer mom" jokes and welcome in this super handy little amigo.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hello again.

The Chevy Corsica. It's pretty much the most boring car ever dee eye.

(Cue the romantic, Frechy music).

But eef you look pah-st eets "so-so" loo-ooks, you are confronted weeth a cornucopia of dramatic ee-store-ee-CAHL dee-lights...

For yeh-sss my friends, dee Corsica gets eets name from the French island located in the Mediterranean. The island is rich in both French and Italian influence.

Een add-ee-SHUN, Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Corsica in the town of Ajaccio. And the island has pretty much has the weirdest flag ever een-ven-TED.

So, should you choose to accept this amazing auto-mo-VEEL, be at peace: its amazing CARFAX report and deeply Frenchy-ness will make you "dee talk of dee town."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The "pizza car."

Hello again.

I once worked with a gentlemen who referred to any hatchback as a "pizza car."

But pizza or not, this little guy has been well preserved.  At $170 over the retail book value, no accidents, and low mileage, you may want to get to this Chevrolet dealership in 30 minutes or less.

As always, enjoy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 my merry Oldsmobile.

I know, I know. At first glance, one may be tempted to think "old lady" when they cast their eyes upon this vehicle.

That may be the case. However, why not look at its low cost, clean record, and low miles and think instead the following:

Come away with me, Lucille
In my merry Oldsmobile
Down the road of life we'll fly
Automobubbling, you and I
To the church we'll swiftly steal
Then our wedding bells will peal
You can go as far as you like with me
In my merry Oldsmobile.

Who knows. Maybe this lil' beauty could help you find love.